Tranquil Gust

© July. 28, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

A chemistry in the wind.
A tranquil gust for a friend.

Whenever she’ll return?
She’s in my heart–I learn.
If I yearn for her shadow,
May the enchantment flow?
But if she’s visible,
Her ways are a riddle.
She circulates not wrath.
Why’s Satan in her path?
She’s unavoidable.
A stable way so sable.
My everything won’t stay.
She’s tempting anyway.

A chemistry in the wind.
A tranquil gust for a friend.

Bypass the citadel.
Surpass me feeling well.
Empower the wise ones.
Deliver–this love runs.
I quiver–she’s so cold.
When I think, her I hold.
I then feel that she’s hot.
Confusion in my spot.
If she’ll ever return,
Her ways are my concern.
I’ll relearn anything,
This wind could make me king.

A chemistry in the wind.
A tranquil gust for a friend.

I could swoon from her gust.
Without her touch is dust.
Must her love be so far?
She’s the wind near my scar,
The wind above the rain,
And what’s keeping me sane.
May she notice me now,
But I breathe anyhow.
More without, I could die.
She’ll never touch this cry.
How I’d panic at sight,
Her ways put me in light.

A chemistry in the wind.
A tranquil gust for a friend.

Reverie Waiting

© July 24, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Hey, my reverie day.
Why is the day the wind?
I foresee our moment.
My time forgets to say.
Seasons, I befriend.
My heart is hesitant.

I cherish the time here.
Reality lies.
Friends blow the hints of love.
Our hail will not fear.
No more lullabies.
Imagine time above.

Nature moves, but night falls.
Nature lives when time crawls.

Quietude for your bliss.
I admit to my shame.
The gust of life is high.
In the woods, I will miss.
But the hounds hunt and claim.
Dirt cannot kiss the sky.

Forever is waiting.
Never is dating you.
Reverie in the clouds.
The dead trees are hating.
I will not blink from view.
The reverie enshrouds.

Illogical Rock Bottom

© July 18, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

If one hits rock bottom, not only is there nothing to lose, but there’s the people saying how unsuccessful the person is. If one gets wealthy, there’s the at least that person is not at rock bottom speech. “What do you have to complain about?” Suddenly, when a wealthy person complains, being at rock bottom is cool, but not many people help the ones in need. A lot of illogical yapping is in the world.

Oh, how is being at rock bottom cool? … By taking on a tough image and having a devil-may-care attitude. … By taking noticeable actions in order to maintain a dominant position in mostly illegal activities is traditionally cool. Anything outside of the norm is considered “gay.” Suddenly, trying to maintain a reputation fails the most as people age. Why? Because they have no reputation, but the mind.

Randomness #6

© July 17, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

A strength jacket couldn’t place my mind, a prison cell couldn’t place my eyes, an abusive home couldn’t place my heart, a cruel school couldn’t place my breaths, and the rest of the world couldn’t place my soul.

Randomness #5

© July 16, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

She was Goth in the gloom.

Soon was the moon at sight.

Fright hit the light for doom.

The reflection is height.

Might it be her? The only Goth for me.

The Goth that’ll spy until you can’t see.

Might it be? Until another Goth takes.

With sudden heartache, another Goth breaks.

Shakes and fakes the feelings I feel for her.

So, if I kill him, I’m a warrior.

She was all in the wind.

She blew by like nothing.

I’m empty in the end.

She’ll never have a king.

How I Really Feel Right Now

© July 14, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

What I’m going to say is complete honesty. I feel like many undeserving people are popular and verbally use God as their way to success. People from every race and religion seem to be selfish with their traditional lives. They can care less about changing the bloody world. They’d yap about making money and having sex with women, especially if they want a serious relationship. I write about sexual scenes at times, but at least the women get their revenge, somehow.

I feel like most people spend so much time yapping about “God” that it’s almost a cliche symbol for money instead of influencing good morals. God is love, so unlike what many people think, love does not die. Love is powerful while hate (horror) can change. Creativity does not have to be lost if bullies will stop killing the future of talented people. Also, more creativity can be known if they are promoted and not ignored by people making illogical assumptions. Strict parents can be a factor in not pursuing your goals. In the end, people will judge regardless, but that holds no truth to the true power of love.

Since I write horror, romance, and poetry, I’m already a target for negativity. I have a weird life; I simply hate the stereotype that “black people” are not involved in horror, but if some are, they die. I am an African American male with a religious name. Unlike others, I’m not afraid to voice how I feel. Don’t assume I’m religious because of my name and vice-versa. Don’t assume my stories are all religious because if one title you saw or story you read. If anyone has questions about me, I can answer them.

If I Like Like You

© July 13, 2014. All rights Reserved.

If I like like you, may you not care like you would if I am your fantasy? If my looks are addicting, may eternity still be for you to find me attractive? May you love my personality, for I could have a skin infection. I could have tattered clothes, dirty shoes, and thick glasses. May my weight and body size be unlike your childhood fantasy? The secrets I would share with you remains if you do not accept me.

My mind questions the optional ways I can show you that I actually like like you. I do not care if you are a celebrity or a part of a wealthy family. My goals are incomparable to the way you make me feel. What way shall I greet you? May I smile, then speak? May I leave sweating about the thought of you forgetting about me, for you may see my mystery. Am I a jerk if I find the cojones to ask you out on a date? I simply am without what I need–my love.

Shock Lie Life

© July 11, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

In my way, they stare. In my day, they laugh.

In my night, they have. In my win, they care.

Who am I? … In a shock that won’t stop.

When I think, they yell. When I ask, they lie. When I trust, they cry. When I blink, they tell.

Who am I? … In a shock that won’t flop.

When I dream, they snore. When I turn, they lean. When I hide, they clean. When I hear, they bore.

Who am I? … In a shock that won’t drop.

When I smile, they grin. When I help, they hurt. When I wipe, they squirt. When I try, they sin.

Who am I? … In a shock that won’t pop.

In my pain, they shock. In my view, they kill.     In my share, they spill. In my breath, they mock.

Randomness #4

© July 6, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

It’s 3:00 A.M. in the morning, and your neighbor is using the lawn mower. What do you do:

A.) Get out of bed and try to reason with him.

B.) Yell out the window, “Shut the fuck up!” at the kids going, “I’m ready! I’m ready!”

C:) Try to sleep indoors with the pillow over your head.

D:) Take physical action.

E.) Stare at the neighbor on the rooftop with a flashlight.

F.) Yell at the neighbor and call the cops.