Razor Ravana

© Mar. 12, 2020. All Rights Reserved. 

I thought of an idea for a superhero and Patricia designed it. The collaboration was a fun experiment. At first, I wanted a superhero that can seduce anyone and use a razor hidden in the middle of the face. She added the razor heels, studs, and everything else, bringing the idea to life. Patricia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucidsea79/


Upon A Butterfly Life

©. March 1, 2020. All Rights Reserved. 

With the naked eye, I see a tie-dye spy.

I see another eye that’s really shy.

Sadly, your heaven’s nosy; some eyes lie.

Here comes an eye of many colors nearby.

Up, there’s eyes in blue skies till they drip-dry.

Pleasing red eyes staring at the tongue-tied sky.

Out, there’s a bucket list of wings people buy.

Now, see a blinking eye that’s willing to die.

Life’s a crying eye with a face in rye.

I see a crooked eye that I’ll never try.

For the blind and colorblind, there’s no goodbye.

Even my mind’s eye can see the butterfly.