Loving for Souls

© Oct. 28. 2020. All Rights Reserved.

She was in love with Jesus

And I was in love with her. 

When she asked me about us, 

It involved, Him, the creator. 

Years later, I love Jesus, 

But she was in love with me. 

When I asked her about us, 

I knew she wasn’t Holy. 

We met at the wrong time. 

We met at the wrong time. 

Our time was up. 

Our time was down. 

If you don’t need me, 

If I don’t need you, 

Then we don’t need us. 

For we have Jesus. 

For we have Jesus. 

If you love Him, you’ll keep 

His commandments. 

I may meet a follower

That loves Jesus the same day

Where our love is forever. 

For that to happen, I pray. 

I pray that I’m not alone, 

But I know it gets better. 

My heart’s placed on her tombstone. 

We’ll meet like a love letter. 

We met at the wrong time. 

We met at the wrong time. 

Our time was up. 

Our time was down. 

If you don’t need me, 

If I don’t need you, 

Then we don’t need us. 

For we have Jesus. 

For we have Jesus. 

If you love Him, you’ll keep 

His commandments. 

Male Plus Female Equals Three

© Oct. 6, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Here are the reasons why I dislike the
Wrong women.
Some people like the wrong women
Enough to use them.
I try to love all humans every
Now and then.
That type of love isn’t medicine over
A gem.
The latest in fashion aren’t
Always diadems.
My pocket’s full of coupons with no money
For food.
When women look at men’s shoes, they
Think of ATM’s.
If I ask a woman’s age, then it’s
Considered rude.

Women are still flirted on if time machines
Are made.
Sometimes, I’m tired of being the good
Guy with manners.
I’m not a womanizer, but I feel so
I can’t keep a woman happy like
Event planners
Because I’m practically a hermit
That’s unpaid.
I don’t demand a maid or what’s
Portrayed in movies.
If I love, she’ll yell like I’m wearing a
Hearing aid.
When I talk to her, she’ll sing someone
Else melodies.

If I try to be a man, she’s mad at what’s
I’m just a man, but if I’m not for her,
I’m a boy.
I’m not family-oriented, but I’m
I’ll be in debt, out of college, stuck in
I want to be a golden boy with no time
I’m a mother’s boy if I was close to my
My father would survey my woman like a
She’ll ask why I don’t trust her to see my

When I kiss,
Long, she’ll yawn.
When I miss,
Time’s withdrawn.
There goes the rumors,
Then she likes monsters.
That’s why I’m alone.
They’re mostly unknown.

We may get along, but do we have the
Same beliefs?
Would I trust her to be loyal and faithful
To me?
If we go through hell, would she complain
At the fire chiefs?
I’ve known demons, so would she stick
Like an allergy?
Give me a lifetime of happiness
With our reliefs.
More so, would she be my
Every day vacation?
Will our feelings rise from the waters
Beyond the reefs?
Beyond the skies, I’d try heal our
Next generation.

I can learn to cook, but is it expected
Of me?
Some women want a man that can
Speak two languages.
I’m learning how to read lips, but I
Like honesty
And I don’t want a side chick or any
Women are objectified, but the skin
Isn’t free.
If she prefers the same race, why not the
Same blood type?
Is age just a number or would she just
What about size, but you’d feel smaller
With a peace pipe.

Since I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs,
She may have a fit.
It won’t take long for her to know where
I work.
Pinch me while I bite my tongue if
I want to commit
Like stubbing my toes on wood doing
A clean and jerk.
If I’m not like others, she don’t want
To babysit.
That’s called footwork for confidence
Because I can’t dance.
If I talk about God, will she tell me to
Cool it,
For I love Jesus more than a passport
To romance.

When I kiss,
Long, she’ll yawn.
When I miss,
Time’s withdrawn.
There goes the rumors,
Then she likes monsters.
That’s why I’m alone.
They’re mostly unknown.

We should be comfortable to fart in
The same room.
Just to pay the bills, would she stoop
To dirt cheap offers?
If I dislike Halloween, would she
Wear a costume?
Would she attack me with a skillet
For the scoffers?
Would she step on my tomb while all of
The flowers bloom?
One day, I’m cremated, so would she burn
Me alive?
Would she get dressed up to see me
And wear a perfume?
If I expect much, maybe she’ll expect me
To drive.

Most men wouldn’t reject women
For their ponytails,
For wearing too much makeup where
It’s like face tattoos,
Like old folktales, being too hot for
Fahrenheit scales,
And being on the news for receiving the
Best views.
While she’s the most wanted queen,
There’s inhales and exhales.
My heart isn’t for sale, but it skipped a
Beat or two.
I’d rather protect her than live for
Permanent fails,
So we wouldn’t eat on the train tracks for
The world view.

If all the woman want is children, then
“I object!”
If she spends all of her money on clothes,
Then, “Bye-bye!”
I may be a dream, but my standards
Aren’t perfect.
Sometimes, I wake up wanting to be
Living a lie.
Dating may be something I regret
Like a defect.
Can she be on the same level of intelligence?
Some people want me dead, so would she be
A suspect?
If I love her through actions, she’ll
Ask for evidence.

Pockets of the World

© Oct. 1, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

The things they do to survive makes me 

Despise money. 

I used to like money until I saw what 

It does

Like once upon a time, money can 

Make you funny. 

When you get money, your friends may 

Change, only because,

Then strangers will call you like,

“Remember me from school?

I knew I lost your number somewhere in

My wallet.” 

Well, pretend I have no money because I’m not cool. 

I gave money to a friend who was in 

The closet. 

Forgive me many times, but I’m 

Just trying to live. 

When I can’t give, will you know

Our love isn’t canceled? 

After all of this time, I still wonder

Will you forgive? 

Some people have no shoes to walk in,

But are humbled. 

I used to want to date an attractive

Poor person. 

As I live this life, I noticed some

People worsen. 

I know people change, but some change

For unanswered bliss. 

Like maybe liquorice or 

Molasses candy kiss. 

Maybe I just won’t prefer what 

You consider is good. 

All of my good deeds are confidential 

As they should. 

My family asks me for money, 

So I give. 

If I had no money, it’d just be 

Hard to live. 

I gave some money to the poor and they 

Stole from me. 

Everything’s an emergency; 

What do you expect? 

I want money to be independent, 

So sorry. 

I’m not asking to help everyone or be perfect, 

But if I could afford to, 

I’d help everyone.

I’m not saying I’d rob an upstate bank 

With a gun. 

Forgive me many times, but I’m 

Just trying to live. 

When I can’t give, will you know

Our love isn’t canceled? 

After all of this time, I still wonder

Will you forgive? 

Some people have no shoes to walk in,

But are humbled. 

I used to want to date an attractive

Poor person. 

As I live this life, I noticed some

People worsen. 

I know people change, but some change

For unanswered bliss. 

Like maybe liquorice or 

Molasses candy kiss. 

Maybe I just won’t prefer what 

You consider is good. 

All of my good deeds are confidential 

As they should. 

I may make money doing cartwheels

On color wheels. 

Money can buy good lawyers that’ll lie like


Some people get paper cuts while reading the Bible. 

Some get paper cuts while reading the dictionary. 

It’s like the world’s on datura down

With the devil. 

I don’t tithe and I don’t worship the 

Virgin Mary. 

I follow Jesus, but should I go bankrupt 

To live? 

I want a family myself, so will 

You forgive? 

Forgive me many times, but I’m 

Just trying to live. 

When I can’t give, will you know

Our love isn’t canceled? 

After all of this time, I still wonder

Will you forgive? 

Some people have no shoes to walk in,

But are humbled. 

I used to want to date an attractive

Poor person. 

As I live this life, I noticed some

People worsen. 

I know people change, but some change

For unanswered bliss. 

Like maybe liquorice or 

Molasses candy kiss. 

Maybe I just won’t prefer what 

You consider is good. 

All of my good deeds are confidential 

As they should. 

The day I get money, all of the seas 

Are blushing. 

I’ll see some people at memorials

Making out. 

After swooning, they’re showing me 

Attention, rushing. 

There was a Lazarus with mammon 

I read about. 

My brother’s forgot about the trumpet 

That’ll sound. 

While all of my sisters drink

Bleach and gasoline, 

I’m seeing the lukewarm sinners that are

In the ground. 

I see plagues in the lion’s den and all 

That’s between. 

Forgive me many times, but I’m 

Just trying to live. 

When I can’t give, will you know

Our love isn’t canceled? 

After all of this time, I still wonder

Will you forgive? 

Some people have no shoes to walk in,

But are humbled. 

I used to want to date an attractive

Poor person. 

As I live this life, I noticed some

People worsen. 

I know people change, but some change

For unanswered bliss. 

Like maybe liquorice or 

Molasses candy kiss. 

Maybe I just won’t prefer what 

You consider is good. 

All of my good deeds are confidential 

As they should. 

The mother’s tell the baby’s father’s, 

“Love is canceled.”

I rejoice before the cattle and sheep 

Are humbled. 

Famine doesn’t need a fragrance, 

But they’re hushing. 

We’ve committed matricide by hating 

Our genders. 

We’ve sacrificed when heart’s on the altar 

Are gushing.

Too much money may make you protect

Sex offenders. 

These braided flowers are grown and 

Made dysfunctional. 

It’s unconstitutional, but 

You’re delusional. 

Forgive me many times, but I’m 

Just trying to live. 

When I can’t give, will you know

Our love isn’t canceled?

After all of this time, I still wonder

Will you forgive? 

Some people have no shoes to walk in,

But are humbled. 

I used to want to date an attractive

Poor person. 

As I live this life, I noticed some

People worsen. 

I know people change, but some change

For unanswered bliss. 

Like maybe liquorice or 

Molasses candy kiss. 

Maybe I just won’t prefer what 

You consider is good. 

All of my good deeds are confidential 

As they should.