Heaven With My Friends

©. Oct. 27, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

I prefer the presence of God in 

My spirit, 

With reverberating love 

Coursing through my veins. 

If I pray in silence, I know 

He can hear it. 

Speak to me across 

Every terrain I’m in. 

Heaven would be perfect with You alone, 

But everyone will not make it 

To the pearly gates. 

The sun will be blocked. 

The moon will be blood. 

His love will be mocked  

Before His return. 

Before His return, many will

Claim to be Christ

And many teachers will

Blaspheme His Holy name. 

Many will say Jesus Christ

Wasn’t sacrificed. 

Many will abuse the Bible 

Like a word game. 

Bad will seem good 

And witches will break their silence. 

The long-forgotten will be

Reminded of us. 

The Gospel will lead to a 

Capital offense.

Heresies will

Cross the four winds till obvious. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

More sound than mother wit

And heard than Holy writ, 

I call my Father to break those 

Whom are in chains. 

Please, strengthen me 

And my dear friends with Holy wit.

Please, manumit me 

With forgiveness I can see. 

Heaven would be perfect with You alone, 

But everyone will not make it 

To the pearly gates. 

The sun will be blocked. 

The moon will be blood. 

His love will be mocked  

Before His return. 

Children will be disrespectful 

To their parents. 

Parents will be disrespectful

To their children. 

Mindless aggression on Earth 

Will be self-defense

And the world will despise you

If you’re born again. 

Yeshua will be preached across 

All of the Earth. 

After deception, there will be 

A cry for peace. 

Most will rely on the government

Like rebirth, 

Excluding Jesus, but

Including the police. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

I trust You, but pray 

That heaven will be perfect. 

I’ve not missed out on Earth

With acres of idols. 

Humans catch grace in a glance

For disrespect. 

Prosperity can turn haikus 

To large statues. 

Heaven would be perfect with You alone, 

But everyone will not make it 

To the pearly gates. 

The sun will be blocked. 

The moon will be blood. 

His love will be mocked  

Before His return. 

Drought will devour 

The Euphrates River 

Israel will have a peace treaty

For a false peace. 

Repeated natural disasters

Will occur. 

Shifts in the weather patterns 

Worldwide will increase. 

The city of Babel will 

Re-emerge in the land of Shinar. 

Ethnic conflicts will emerge and 

Wars will erupt. 

Terrorist attacks will arise 

From those afar. 

The pestilence will be perpetual

And upped. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

Woe unto the wicked. 

My virtues turn to Yours, 

For You’re here to protect. 

Before I share the good news, 

I pray that I’m saved. 

Direct my loved ones to You, 

So they’ll genuflect, 

For heaven would be awesome 

If I’m with my friends.