What the Fond?

© Mar. 2, 2018. All Rights Reserved.

My success of succession dwells in my dreams
As kaleidoscopic scenes of thou
Magnifies like verdurous content with streams.
From thy somnolent kiss where I rest, adieu.
‘Twas qualms, which utterly perishes, somehow,
For I miss thy natural face like daybreak.
O’, the belle of my heart’s unattainable
Like saccharine terrains I can provide you.
Beyond the Queen of May, my every season
Thou art; don’t be my transcendental heartache.
My sovereign, so tender through my rib cage.
With sun-kissed skin, ammolite, almond-shaped eyes,
And heart-shaped lips, thee befriends thy youthful age.
Exhume my fond memories with my demise.