Ex Season

© June 6, 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Once portrayed a hero with fame,
Is remade a lover insane.
Possibly, what made him this way?
He had nine wives here to stay.
Lost in a gaping shame.
From his porch, there’s still rain.

Julie, at ten, was his first crush,
Who served every branch in the military.
She slept with a gun in a fortress,
With custom-made bombs to kiss.
Every tank gave her heart a rush.
She’d beat him like nothing ordinary.

Amber, a biker, leaving him.
Deceiving on a road to hotels,
She’d chat with her gang,
Using drugs and slang,
To an affair with a gal named Kim.
She sped past many doorbells.

Kim, his favorite cowgirl.
She trained a bull as a car.
She’s what every man kills for.
She used him for money and more.
Her yelling made his body curl.
She’s a rebel-slash-superstar.

Sheila’s a claimed pirate.
She hid her treasure chest,
In a ship with food inside.
While he starved in the house and cried,
She had enough food to profit.
Always, she wore her bullet proof vest.

Helen, a yoga instructor,
But also a well-known felon.
She lit his house on fire,
And slashed a knife through his car tire.
She slept with Daniela, a broker,
Claimed to speak to every demon.

Daniela, his fifth grade bully.
They went to prom in high school.
She flirted with teachers.
After graduation, public speakers.
Her old boyfriends beat him, clearly.
Her siblings beat him like a fool.

Lola, a wealthy business entrepreneur.
She saved her money while he paid.
She accused him of beating her.
He went to prison and met a lover.
More came to love with a leader,
But nobody gave him aid.

Nina, a lying, ghetto gal.
She’d steal his belongings to sell.
She was a lovely lion tamer,
Living like the control was in a gamer.
She was indeed his pal,
But his worries made them fail.

Sally, a suicidal make up artist.
She hated life, but claimed his love.
Mid-Summer, she lost her wedding ring,
Later, he saw it on Julie in Spring.
She argued, and he slit his wrist.
When buried, she took his clothes above.